
Social Media Concierge

Let Us Manage Your Social Media, While You Grow.

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Word of mouth has always been a very lucrative form of advertising. How many times have you gone somewhere because someone suggested it for you? The more a place is talked about, the more intrigue is created, increasing the appeal for the business. When you post about a place you’ve been to an any of your social media sites, this is free advertising for the business.

Since no publishers are involved, 99% of the content is unsolicited. Essentially, it’s more likely that we can believe the reviews on these sites because it’s highly unlikely that the person who left the review has a hidden agenda. This is why social media is so widely accepted and trusted

What This Means For Marketing

Expanding on and taking advantage of this eWoM is fastly becoming vital in the marketing world. It is still in its infancy stages for SEO, but it will quickly be a crucial component like everything else that makes SEO work for your company.

Focusing on your Social Media Marketing will boost your marketing efforts without having to spend more on budgeting. Social Media Marketing is free advertising. With Social Media, your target audience is your marketing venue and vessel.

Social media gives the consumer a chance to give active feedback. It also gives the marketer an easier insight into what their consumers like. Social Marketing gives both the consumer and the marketer a more participatory engagement in the entire process.


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